[SOLVED] Error loading 126 : The specified module cannot be found

This error occured because of invalid registry value, to solve this
1. Open notepad
2. Copy this code
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

3. Save with extension .reg
4. Run the file

[SOLVED] Your ip address has changed. Please log in again. (cpanel)

This error happened when i try to log in to cpanel of my domain with my smartphone. It's happened because the smartphone use dynamic IP and changed everytime. To solve this:
1. Make subdomain with cpanel name on your domain, so it will be cpanel.yourdomain.com
2. Download this file https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzgkww9xry1meft/cPanelProxy.zip
3. Extract it, there will be 4 files inside it
4. Open your cpanel, open file manager, under public_html folder there will be cpanel folder, upload the files to cpanel folder.
5. DONE! Now you can open cpanel with your mobile phone, but REMEMBER, use cpanel.yourdomain.com instead of yourdomain.com/cpanel

[SOLVED] Network Error : (Dns_Server_Failure) on Android (Telkomsel)

To solve this:
Open Access Point Names on mobile network setting, open the APN that you are using now, clear the proxy, save.

HP saya Xperia ZR, saat browsing, muncul network error itu di hp, untuk mengatasi ini:
   Buka access point names di mobile network setting, buka settingan yg dipake, misal TSEL WAP, hapus proxy nya, lalu save.

[SOLVED] Cannot connect to the real www.google.com

Cannot connect to the real www.google.com
Cannot connect to the real www.facebook.com
etc etc

That happened when i change my pc case, the date and time become incorrect, to solve this:
1. Click date and time on bottom right
2. Change date and time settings...
3. Click Internet Time tab
4. Click change settings...
5. Make sure server is time.windows.com
5. Check synchronize with internet time server
6. Click update now
7. Click ok, click ok

That happened because the time was reset when i change my pc case.

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